Wednesday, September 02, 2009

I Pledge...

Maybe this has been out for awhile and I am just slow... but I saw it for the first time this morning on KSL, and really liked it. It made me start to think about what I want to pledge and how I want to contribute to change.

The reason this was on KSL was because it was shown in an Elementary school to go along with the theme of service... parents freaked out and felt that it was Government Propaganda. As my cousin and uncle say, "calm down"... yes there is one line that could probably have been phrased differently, and no not everyone is going to want to pledge or change the same thing... but honestly if that is what you are focused on then I think that you may have missed the point. It just made me kind of sad that that is what people were choosing to get worked up over.

No matter what political party you support; its something to think about, because don't we all believe in change?


Katie said...

I thought the video was really good! I think that there is a lot of strife and has been a lot of strife amongst the country about presidents( for as long as we have had presidents). But whether or not you liked Bush, or whether or not you like Obama, it's still our duty as an American Citizen to support the President of the United States. I feel this pledge went farther to say that supporting our country means making a change within each of us, within our daily lives and individual actions. Even if you have no political agenda or care at all about politics, this video makes a good statement about simply stepping it up to be a better American! Thanks for posting it Alicia. Love ya!

Lisa said...

Great post! Are you becoming politically active - a mother's dream comes true! What will you pledge?

Sharlene and Matt said...

i like it and i also pledge. i love stuff like this cuz it reminds you to be a little better, give a little more, not flip people off, lol and reach out. i think people complain WAY too much. but oh well. good post. love you. aoe. I REALLY MISS you. im going to call you tomorrow. we have great conversations and talks. i miss them.