Sunday, September 06, 2009

Happy List

"Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect, it means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections."

For the week of 8/30/09
1. I was able to take a 3 hour Sunday nap
2. Emily and Cara both had great first days back to school
3. Deposited my paycheck that had my overtime hours
4. Started the book Labrinth
5. Fnished the book I Heard There'd Be Cake-HILARIOUS
6. Found my old babysitters on Facebook
7. Watched the season finale of Make It or Break It with Ricki
8. Finally gave Mandie back her sweatpants that I kept forever
9. Received package from mom, which included Tiffany & Co. catalog
10. Got my {first ever} business cards
11. Free food coupons for concessions at work
12. Got out of work an hour early on Friday
13. A co-worker fixed my laptop-no charge
14. Saw the movie What About Steve with Kate
15. Reunited with Shar and Kady at a late breakfast on Saturday
16. Drove down to Cedar with Kady
17. Ate dinner at the {new} Cafe Rio with Kady, Kalle, Jess, and John

Sometimes I get all caught up in the moment and forget how many happy things I have going on in my life... this is to remind me.


Elisa said...

It's easy to get caught up in the mundane that is for sure. It's especially hard once school is over because semesters always bring change, whereas working, or being a mom is more of the same year around.

You are good at finding joy all around you!

Sharlene and Matt said...

that was SOO fun reuniting and going to lunch. Way to be positive! I have news for you! LOVE YOU AOE