Sunday, October 08, 2006

My brush with fame (almost!)

My roommates and I went to see The Trademark perform on Friday night. It was so much fun, and the best part of the night was that we actually were able to talk with them after they played! I have to thank my mom for this because their mom and my mom were best friends in throughout highschool and college! It was so cool to hang out with them- my roommates are still talking about it!


Lisa said...

Too fun! I'm glad you had a chance to see them and to say "hi". I forgot to ask - was Kristen was there?

Alicia said...

No she was not.. well I did not ask, but I am going to assume no. It was so fun...

Serendipity said...

Fun Alicia...
(I remember when your mom told me their name -- 'Trademark'...and then didn't they change it to 'The Trademark'? Anyway, I thought that was such a great name for a band!)
Glad to hear you had such an awesome time!

Elisa said...

Your roomies are so lucky to have YOU for a roomate...with all your connections! Fun! Do you like their music