Saturday, April 04, 2009


I have a problem of starting projects to give as gifts and not finishing them. (Remember the A-Z scrapbook?!) I had the idea of making Emily a scrapbook for her 13th Birthday with advice for surviving being a teenager. I started it winter break of 2007, giving myself 1 month to complete. I should know better. I would start it and then stop, start, stop, etc. Until now. I sat down and finished it! I could not be happier with it! It has a a collage of Em, a letter to her from me, quotes, advice from people who love her-{friends, and family}, quotes, advice from me, collage of Em and me, and also a collage of our family! I love you Em.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

It is actually the! What a special gift. I have loved looking at it... you even made her tear up :)