Wednesday, April 22, 2009

My Self Portrait

For my photography class we were given the assignment to take a self-portrait. My teacher asked the class who enjoyed this assignment- only 1 person. I really do not mind taking pictures of myself- apparently this is not the norm. Of course- I am the girl who has been posing for the camera since I was 2. We had to write a paragraph or two explaining the meaning behind our self-portrait.

Here was mine:

I am graduating in exactly 29 days. (Now 10 days) I have been looking forward to this day forever. I am excited to see what the future brings my way. While I am looking forward to graduating and am excited for the future, I am also really scared. I try not to admit to being scared, but it’s hard to always be optimistic and peppy about the future! I have my future mapped out, and on the outside most people think I have my life put together, and for the most part I do, but some days I want to turn back time.

I want to turn back time and sit with my teddy bear and be completely worry free. Since that is impossible, I have to move forward; I will trade in my jeans and hoodies for pencil skirts and high heels. My polka-dotted backpack will be replaced with a briefcase, and I will close the door to my childhood and walk forward down a brand new path.

This self-portrait is representative of me closing the door to the past and walking towards new opportunities. I am still worried about the future, but I am moving forward. The teddy bear represents my past and the brief case represents my growing up.


Serendipity said...

Your mom was telling me about your self portrait...very creative...

Kady (Ca-dee) said...

ummm i took this picture (secretly) andfor the record you look and amazing in the dress... WOW i sound like a creeper

Elisa said...

ooh love it! I would love to see your "secret" series.

E said...

i love that dress, and that is a very deep description. Ms. Umbel would be so proud!