Monday, April 27, 2009

Tell me what to do. Please.

When I was young(er) (I know, I know I am still young) people never hesitated to give me adivce, or give me direction, or really just flat out tell me what to do. I think I was pretty open minded about what people told me what to do, as I recall I even did what they told me to do (My parents might have other memories)! I thought that I did not need their advice, direction, etc. because I was 18. I was about to graduate from high school- I obviously knew everything there was to know.
Let me be the first to admit. I would love someone to tell me what to do now! Nobody feels the need to give me much direction anymore in regards to my future! I know that I have the tools to make my own decisions and choices but sometimes I wish I were a teenager when adults never hesitated to tell you what to do.
Facebook did not become popular until I started college- so there are no real pictures of me from HS on facebook, or on my computer... but this will do!


Mike and Noel said...

i wish i could help you...but im just little and cant help you :) but im sure you will figure out what to do!!!

Sharlene and Matt said...

just stay here in cedar til i graduate too! just kidding. the sky is your limit and i know you will do well!! i love you so much and am seriously so proud! graduating college is a big deal! you are amazing and i look up to you. thanks for everything! i'll miss you but we'll stay in touch. (i'll call you for advice, and hopefully my advice is useful too) You will love it up in salt lake and have opportunities open. GOOD LUCK!!

oh yeah and THANKs for inviting me to your graduation. i'll cheer for you and i am excited to hear the prophet. Love you!

E said...

Yay that's me! haha