Wednesday, November 12, 2008


This was the first election I was able to vote in, and it was one of the most talked about, anticipated elections ever! It has been interesting to watch the entire elections process. I am glad that I was taught to have an opinion and to voice my opinion. One of my biggest pet peeves (next to people leaving their dirty dishes sitting in the sink for days) is people who say that they do not care about politics, or what is going on in the world, and this is my favorite, "it does not affect me". Aghh!!! Are you kidding me?! I guess if that is your opinion- you better not complain for the next four years! Since I tend not to be a very outspoken or opinionated person (in most situations), voting is my way to voice my opinion. I am glad that I was able to vote and I can say that I helped participate in this historical election.
I live in an extremely conservative state, and am from a very liberal state, so it is interesting to listen to peoples responses to the outcome of the election. I think people are beginning to accept the outcome and are figuring out that even if they don't like it, they will support it. I look forward to the next 4 years!


Lisa said...


Who did you vote for :)

shauna said...

Hun Lisa? I don't get it...(jk:) So Alicia, where did you get your politcal knowledge and ideals from?...Seminars at Juniper Hall?! ;) (Don't laugh too much, that's where I live, and that's where James and I met:)