Sunday, August 30, 2009



Seems like just yesterday you were going to Kindergarten...

You are going to be walking the halls of my High School Alma Mater in just a few hours! Forgive me if I become a little nostalgic! I am so excited for you. I loved my years at RHS. You are going to do FABULOUS. Just remember to take it a day at a time, be your self {but be your very best self}, and if all else fails, cry {use this sparingly}. Before you know it you will be making your own memories. Eating lunch with your friends, scrambling to finish homework in the hallway before class, waiting to walk down the hall with friends because walking by yourself is boring, making out in the hallway {not. this is disgusting and its pda- and you may think its cool, but its not- and you will be made fun of}. Apparently my HS memories all took place in the hallway/cafeteria.

My final word of advice: If the AP Lit teacher asks you what you feel the theme of the book is- do not say "circle of life" even if really do feel that is the theme. This is not the answer she wants- all you will get is an eyeroll and the response, "How about something a little more cliche?"

I love you Em. I can't wait to hear about your first day.

P.S. Did you get the RHS3- like HSM3?

1 comment:

E said...

I love this post! I will also say if you sit next to someone in AP Lit who makes inappropriate jokes about a certain title of a book involving darkness... you should chose to ignore them.

I miss high school so much but I am sure Emily will have a blast!!