Thursday, August 27, 2009

Fashion Show. Fashion Show. Fashion Show at Lunch. And other Back to School Memories.

My cousins was showing me her clothes from Back to School shopping the other day and I was brought back to a time when it was okay to wear sunflower themed outfits {I had a love for sunflowers- sunflower wardrobe-skorts, shorts, skirts, shirts, and probably a scrunchie or two}. This was also a time when clothes were not associated to money or work appropriateness. Those were the days.
My favorite Back to School memory is going Back to School shopping! My mom would take us each out individually to shop. Thank you mom- I know how much you do not like to shop. Along with getting new clothes, we also got to choose a place to go out to lunch. Once again, thank you Mom for eating at Applebees with me- {I am not sure why I liked that place}. For a few years we went up and stayed at my Aunt Cristins to do our Back to School shopping! This is the best part of it all... we would come home with our purchases and wait for Dad to get home from work and then we would put on a FASHION SHOW. We would show him every single outfit we bought- and my mom would describe each of our outfits. Maybe she didn't describe them all- but in my childhood memory she did. Thank you Dad for sponsoring the fashion show and all of the clothes worn. Then the saddest thing happened. We moved to Maryland and we did not have the full fashion show. We only chose our favorite outfit to model. Sorry to Miss Em who never really got to experience the full effect of a Back to School fashion show.
Other Back to School Memories: Memory 1: We always got Fathers Blessings the night before school started. I would always look forward to these and I am so grateful that I can continue to receive Fathers Blessings. Memory 2: Mom would always make us breakfast on the very first day of school. I was always really nervous though, so I never really ate it. Memory 3: Supply shopping. The teachers would always say "you need 3 different colored highlighters this year." I would always get 3 different colored highlighters every year- but never used more than 1. In college, I did need 3 different colored highlighters, but refused to buy them so I used a Crayola Magic Maker instead.
There are obviously more memories... I will have to save those for another day!


Lisa said...

Fun memories! No full-length fashion shows after the move - but Em will always have the Butter Parade! Wish you were close enough for lunch at Applebees (yes that should tell you how much you are missed)!

Elisa said...

I love the fashion show idea!! That is a tradition that would probably work best with girls, but I think it would be so fun! I also love the personal shopping and lunch out with mom.
Nice touch Lisa.

Kady (Ca-dee) said...

Haha. So trueee about the highlighters in college. And back to school shopping was by far my fave part. ALSO i loved sunflowers too... I used to want my bedroom to be decorated in them... we were clearly meant to be.

anjer said...

oh no, not the sunflowers!! did you wear scrunchies on your wrist? we totally did. my mom called them wrist gaurds. haha! oh, the 90's. enough said!