Saturday, February 07, 2009

He's Just Not That Into You

"We are all programmed to believe that if a guy acts like a total jerk that means he likes you."

False. (After 8th grade this rule is not applicable.)

Back in the day- my Freshmen year of college I got dumped. I cried. and cried. and cried some more. My stomach felt as if I was on a roller coaster and about to drop down a big hill but the hill never came, and my stomach stayed like that for awhile. Well right around that time the book He's Just Not That Into You was becoming popular, and I was flipping through a magazine that had an article written by the authors. It was about getting over being dumped and surviving. Well in my head I was going to do those things but in the end I was still going to get him back. (Wrong.) The tips were good- I had to adapt some of them since I was not living with him/sleeping with him/etc. But I have always liked their advice. I also like, "Its Called a Breakup Because It Is Broken".

Anyways... I learned a lot. I have learned a lot since then, and one of the things I have learned is that sometimes guys are just not that into me. When I saw a preview for this movie I knew I had to see it. We were going to see it on Valentines Day but then decided we could not wait- and plus that might have been a little depressing. The book and movie are so true.

STOP making excuses for guys when they are mean, do not make excuses when they do not call or do not ask you out on a second/third/fourth date. He is just not that into you. Its not a bad thing- its life. Of course, nobody likes to admit this. Everyone wants to be liked, nobody enjoys finding out someone does not like them, even someone they do not like. But its a good thing to realize and know. The last guy I really liked, and I really did like him- just didn't like me. I could not figure it out- I made excuses... but really he just didn't like me. Lost his phone? Lost my number? Too busy? Intimidated by me? Nope.

Of course, one of those excuses could be true. But that would make me the exception. Not the rule. And chances are, you are almost always the rule.

See the movie, even if you are married. It will just make you that much happier that you are married and do not have to play this game we call dating.


E said...

haha I can't wait to see this movie! I need to read the whole book, do you have it?


Repeat this to yourself.

Lisa said...

You have learned much!

Sharlene and Matt said...

ditto to what elaine said! haha. we need to meet one day cuz i KNOW we'd be friends. so HI elaine :) haha

and I LOVED the movie. im so glad i went and saw it with everyone even though i probably should have rested. im getting better now. you are the best motherly helper while i had crutches. THANKS times a million. you are the best!

boys are retarded. well most boys. and we are the rule not the exception so stop thinking its him every time you get a text message. i love you but i have to be honest. we will both find amazing boys one day. have hope. LOVE YOU!

Sharlene and Matt said...

sorry i totally stole this and blogged about it too. love you alicia. hows logan? i miss you