Wednesday, February 25, 2009

"Here's looking at you, kid"

My roommate and I watched Casablanca on her online Netflix account- what a genius invention. It took multiple evenings of watching but we finally finished! I had never seen it and wanted to see it because it is such a classic. I had no idea how many famous quotes came from the movie! I really liked it. I want to watch it again! It made me want to know more about the time period it took place in, sometimes it takes a movie for me to be interested in history!
I discovered two things: everyone looks better in black and white and Humphrey Bogart is an attractive man.
"Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship."
"We'll always have Paris."
"Of all the gin joints in all the towns in the world, she walks into mine."


Serendipity said...

We love {NETFLIX} 'watch instantly' as Anna calls it...I hadn't seen Casablanca until a few years ago...and I agree black & white is best!

Have a great weekend...

E said...

I watched that this summer with my Grandma and Uncle and I really liked it too!