Monday, November 27, 2006


I think this picture pretty much sums up what a wonderful week it has been! So many fun things happened that it would take me forever to write about each of them, but here are some of my memories from the week.

Surprising everyone with my new hair color, seeing friends at Cici's Pizza, seeing Elaine and causing a scene because we were so excited to see each other, finding all of the changes in the house, McNeil Family, reminsising old times, sharing a room with Emily for a few nights, NERTZ, Tog dancing, Cara turning 16, cake, pies, orange rolls, 7 boxes of tangerines and Diet Coke, TOP TIER ONLY, El and Tracey getting engaged, laughing, singing, and of course more NERTZ!

1 comment:

Serendipity said...

It sounds like you had such a great time! And not long to go until Christmas vacation...cute hair!