Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Birthday Cara!


Today is not only Thanksgiving but also my sister Cara's Birthday! Happy Birthday Cara! I am so glad that I am able to celebrate her SWEET 16 with her!

A few memories...

Wanting to name her dough dough head and telling my moms OBGYN (sorry mom), sharing a room with bunk beds, borrowing clothes, homecoming dress shopping in NYC, shopping in general, Driving to school together- I was a Senior when she was a Freshman, she helped me with homework once (only once) online conversations, watching her dance- she is amazing!, fishing for boys, and the list goes on!

Cara you have become such a beautiful young woman, I am so proud of you and all of your accomplishments! I hope you have a wonderful 16th Birthday!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Cara!!! We dropped the ball on calling. Darin and had a very long Thanksgiving nap that took up bulk of calling hours after dinner. Hope you had a great day!!

silversmith said...

Alicia and Cara, you are both wonderful girls. We love you both and wish you the best. It is sort of scary when we think of all the grandkids we have out driving around. But you all must think that it is scary to see all the old folks on the road. Love 'ya.