Friday, September 21, 2012

Flowers & Notes

Last week at work was insanely busy-- 18 hour days kind of busy. Luckily I prepared really well- made lunches/dinners/snacks for the entire week, and married the best man in the world! Tyler sent flowers to my office "just because". It was a complete surprise and made my entire week.
My crazy week ended Saturday night, and by the time I headed home Tyler was already at work. I decided to treat myself to some dinner and I picked up a surprise dessert for Tyler when he got home from a busy night. As I was putting it in the fridge I wrote a little note for him and then headed to bed, where I found another note on my pillow from him! As I was falling asleep I was thinking about how we both had written notes... the beautiful flowers... and the amazing love and support I get contsantly from my husband.
That is when it hit me. THIS IS HOW A MARRIAGE WORKS-- two people working really hard and putting another person first. So grateful for Tyler and the amazing relationship we are working really hard at building together.


Tyler said...

Aaawww! I love my cute lil wifie so much! Coming up on 2 years til eternity in a few months! Luckiest guy ever!

Trisha said...

Hey, you guys wanna teach Caleb how to do that stuff? I had a convo with him last night about leaving notes and how cute that is. I've had the convo about sending me flowers. He just spaces it. :)

E said...

I guess I haven't read your blog in forever so I am way behind but this is adorable. Love you two!