Friday, October 24, 2008


I am a fan of the Disney Channel.
Yes, I am 21.
I loved High School Musical 1 & 2 so of course I was excited to see High School Musical 3. (I even saw it on opening night- maybe it is because I live in a small town and it was something to do on a Friday night OR it may have been because I am that hard core of a fan. You can decide.) While the majority of the sold out theater was little girls and their parents there were also some older audience members without children (similar to myself). I wish I could have taken my cousin Maddie and my sister Em!
I can honestly say that it was a good movie- it was better than HSM2 in my opinion. I think that I liked it so much because I have graduated from High School- and I am afraid that there is going to be a generation of kids with really high expectations for High School because of this movie. They may be a little dissappointed. I know that I would be.
The movie goes through all of the drama of Senior year- college decisions, relationships, prom- you know all of the important stuff. Of course it had a great ending- everyone ends up together (not at the same college- it couldnt be that perfect, but they will attend schools only 32.6 miles away from each other)! But isnt that why we watch movies- to watch something that would never really happen but that still gives you a little hope that it could?!


Tiffany said...

Um pretty much the best night of our lives. I am not ashamed of what we partook of. I quite enjoyed myself and would most definately do it all over again!! Love you Girl!

Elisa said...

M and I can't wait to see it...we will wait till its at RedBox or Netflix because we are just that cheap, but it's good to know it's a fun movie. I liked #1 WAAAAAAY better than #2 (although I do know one of the baseball players in #2, he just got a mission call to...where was it?? Peru or something like that.)

Serendipity said...

We'll be going this week...I'm sure Maddie will want to "discuss" with you after she sees it!

E said...

I wish we went to school 32.6 miles apart...