Friday, February 02, 2007

20 things I want to do...

I turned 20 on Monday, and I have been doing a lot of thinking about what I have really done in the past 20 years. At first I could not come up with anything, because I have not done anything that awesome... but then I thought of a few things and then I thought of a whole bunch of things I want to do in the NEXT 20 years.

Things I want to do:

1. Go to Paris
2. Graduate from college
3. Get married
4. Have a family
5. Learn to ski
6. Become a better cook
7. Become a better public speaker
8. Become more creative
9. Keep in touch with friends
10. Attend General Conference
11. Have a huge photo wall in my house
12. Go to Italy
13. Ride first class
14. Meet someone famous
15. Be a succesful event planner
16. Live on the East Coast
17. Learn to speak Spanish
18. Become a better person
19. Not be such a fraidy cat
20. Still be happy with the kind of person I am!


shauna said...

Love it! - and love you:)
(Hey, remember that one time when I lived with you guys:)(That didn't screw you up too much I guess, whew!:)


Elisa said...

You have done so much so far, and are at a perfect time in your life to learn and experience all you would like. I think making this list is a great way to use your 'single college girl' stage in the best way possible. Smart girl.

Lisa said...

You've had an amazing past 20 (still can't believe you are 20) and your list is a great beginning to your next 20 years! Love you!

Serendipity said...

Great'll be amazed at how much of it you really will do, and what new things will come your way too!
Cheers to your next 20 years!

Encore Dance said...

This is Elisa's little sister- Julia. I can't help it, I have to comment. I have to say that that is a great list! There will come times when you will be forced with a decision and might want to change some goals, but don't, if you really want to do it, it will all fall into place. Remember there is a time and a Season for Everything. I know I'm Corny but I'm glad I stuck with my goals. You are young, Keep it up!