Monday, August 22, 2011

Back To School Crepes

My original title for this was "Gettin' our Crepe on" but that sounded too much like "Gettin' our Creep On". We all have a little bit of creeper in us but really its not something to advertise. Anyways....

We made crepes last night for dessert-- Tyler is basically a professional crepe turner. After one crepe he had the technique down. Unfortunately last night was NOT my night in the kitchen-- my whipped cream would not whip. Sooo frustrating because I have done it many times before AND I burned the chocolate. Burned it. Burned a hole in the candy bag. That was disappointing.

Tyler salvaged some chocolate {hes the best} and we had fresh strawberries {thank you bountiful baskets} and raspberries. Soooo tasty.

And he is off to another successful semester!

1 comment:

Tyler said...

I love my wife!