Thursday, November 12, 2009

I Want My Stomach to Flop.

You know that feeling when you are on a roller coaster and its about to drop and your stomach feels like it is in your throat, and your heart is beating like crazy and you think its going to burst out of your chest? Or when you talk to someone you like and get this smile on your face that won't go away?! All of these feelings mixed together are what I refer to as a "stomach flop". It's a good kind of flop- you know, like the good kind of butterflies, the good kind of nervous. Not everyone is capable of making my stomach flop {I guess I am kind of picky-but the good kind of picky}.

All I want is my stomach to flop- just so I know it is still capable of flopping. I really do not think it's too much to ask for.

Is it?


Tiffany said...

No I don't think that is too much to ask for! It will happen I have no doubt! Love ya girl

E said...

ughhh I know the feeling! I want this to happen for me too, I just need a sign. Was it you who said you wish someone would tell you, don't worry I know it will happen for you in a few years, so don't stress. I need someone to tell me that too. But how can they really know?