Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Founders Day

I have had the opportunity to intern with the Alumni House this semester! It has been a lot of fun- I am involved in a lot of the events that the Alumni House plans. The most recent event was Founders Day. I was involved from the beginning to the very end- it was soo neat to watch it all come together! I am so glad that I love what I plan to make my future career!
The table prior to the salad!
Some of my responsibilities included:
Pulling pictures from the archives, compiling hundreds of pictures, reserving rooms and equipment, making telephone calls, picking things up, setting up, ordering hors'dourves, helping check people in, handing out name-tags, doing the lighting for the stage for the different presentations, etc.
It was a long day- and after it was all over I was tired but too wound up to do homework or sleep, so I went to the gym and ran a mile or two!


Serendipity said...

Looks great!

Elisa said...

You ran after a full day of work?! You really have chose the right profession!