Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Wake-up Call

One of my biggest pet peeves is when people are irresponsible- especially with not waking up on time. Not that it matters, but I have woken up to an alarm clock since I was in 4th grade- not really so much to be responsible but more that I am really cranky when people wake me up and it is better everyone involved if I can wake up to beeping. Since I have been doing this for so long I do not understand when people tell me they slept through their alarm or just could not wake up. I understand that on occasion this may happen- we get sick, we go to bed a 4AM and need to be up by 6AM but really, an everyday/bi-weekly occurance? This morning my roommates alarm went off a bunch of times but I was already getting ready to go to the gym so I did not try to wake her up- plus is that really my responsibility? I came home from the gym and she was still asleep- so I continued getting ready for my day and made a lot of noise in an attempt to help her wake up and finally she woke up and was not happy that she was running late. Somehow this was partially my fault. Right... because I am your mother and know your exact schedule. My bad.

This is a really similar if not the same as my 1st alarm clock!
Note: She woke up when she was supposed to be at the school- wouldn't you just hurry put on some clothes and a hat and run? Oh no... no you would take your usual 1 1/2 hours to get ready.
If there is one thing I want to teach my sisters/friends/future children it would be responsibility, because really I think everything else follows! This was more of a vent than a post... just needed to share!


Lisa said...

Yikes, did we preach personal responsibility a little too much as you were growing up?! Thanks for learning to be responsible it will help to take you far in life. We maybe should have spent a little more time preaching compassion :) Love seeing the Mickey clock...memories!

Elisa said...

The worst THE WORST is when people purposely set their alarm clocks 1/2 early so they can hit snooze like 5 times!! (Although, I don't mind this if their wake up time is AFTER mine)
No compassion for snooze hitters and for those who blame others for their inability to wake up.

Serendipity said...

Have a fantastic spring break...hopefully alarm clock (and roommate)free!

Sharlene and Matt said...

oh alicia some people just aren't as much of morning people maybe...i love your venting though. but funny story i didn't even go to bed late last night and i woke up at like 7:50 and i have a class at 8 but i went hot tubbing last night so i just showered and went back to bed til my 11 am class. thought of you the whole time i was showering- like oh i should've just thrown on a hat and gone. hahaha. i love you. have fun at home. i miss you already. that test sucked in management.