Saturday, September 15, 2007

My fabulous fall

I had a little incident Thursday morning... I fainted (I have never fainted before, and it was possibly the scariest thing that has ever happened to me) while getting ready for class and hit everything on my way down! (This included the counter, open drawer, wall, floor and I brought down the hot hair straightener as well.) Luckily my roommate was there and stuck with me the entire day!

Note: That my hair loks really good- I was on my way to hand out bids for Alpha Phi! I had a flower in my hair until one of the nurses took it out!

I am doing much better today, I am still tired and my face is sore but everyday I know I am going to get better!


Elisa said...

Ahhhhhh! Alicia I can't believe you fainted. You look like you are okay in the pictures, but why the big glasses?? Are you sporting some black eyes? Did the Dr's know why it happened??
I have never fainted in my life (on accident, we use to make ourselves pass out in Jr. high...SO STUPID)...anyway, Julia did pass out a year or so ago and she was so scared. She has no idea how much time passed, she just woke up with carpet burn on her cheek.

Lisa said...

I'm happy to say I knew about this before it was blogged - you gave us a scare. Glad you are feeling better - you are actually looking quite stylish in the photos. Thank goodness for J! Take it easy...

Serendipity said...

Oh my! A fabulous fall indeed! It looks like you managed to make it as classy as possible! :)

Hope you are feeling better...

What a sweet roomy/friend!