Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Some random reflections from my sophomore year!

Spring is FINALLY here!
(For today at least!)

I can't believe that I only have 2 more weeks here- I am excited and a little sad! I have been thinking a lot lately and when I am not thinking about school I have been thinking about the past few years... I have learned soo many things in the past two years (that will have to be future blog). I was looking through some pictures that I took right before I went to school my freshman year of college and I have changed so much. Not just how I look, but my opinions and attitudes towards different things. I think they have been changes for the better! (Don't worry mom I haven't changed everything!) Even though I have learned so much I have a ton of things I still need to learn- I am keeping a list in my notebook and may be calling on a few of you to help me out!


Lisa said...

Can't wait to have you home and to hear more about your sophomore reflections. Aww, you really are growing up! You really should right a book....

Elisa said...

I think the college education is more about life lessons than about what you study...thats the way it was for me anyway. Maybe if I actually worked in any of the fields I studied I would feel differently:)

Very, very very cute picture!

Serendipity said...

Fun, cute picture!

Ditto on Elisa's comment...it really is about life lessons!

Celebrate you, and all you've done this year!