Friday, December 02, 2011


As usual, Thanksgiving was AMAZING! It is so nice to be surrounded by family and friends.

Hightlights Included

I was able to fly out a little before to spend time with family.

I got to see Emily in her cheer competition-- so fun to be there!

I got to see Cara perform up at school-- so talented!

Tyler surprised us all by flying out early-- I have never been so surprised in my life!

Bureau of Engraving with Tyler and of course Bens Chili Bowl!

A LOT of laughing, eating, and NERTZ!

Team TOG (The Old Guys) Winning.

I had some time to reflect on things while I was out there, and while I came up with a lot of different things the most important is that, when it really comes down to it we have so much to be thankful for.

Already looking forward to JMTP9

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Love you :)