Friday, June 10, 2011

New Favorite Thing

Tyler and I are currently loving Diet Root Beer.

Which means we are REALLY loving Root Beer floats!

{Since it is made with Diet I think it cancles out the ice-cream part and makes it healthy... right?}

These fun mugs and twisty straws* are part of the awesome

"30 day count down to 30" celebration I have been doing for Tyler {more to come on that}!

*Do not dishwash twisty straws-- they will come out sad. Tyler still loves his though, says it adds personality or something like that!


John said...

So yummy! And half the calories!!!

Stacy said...

Diet A&W is my fave! Dreyer's has a slow churned vanilla ice cream that is half the fat of regular ice cream and less calories that is really yummy in a root bear float.