Friday, July 02, 2010

Date Night.

Tyler and I see each other a lot- but we make sure to do have a "date date" at least once a week. It typically is on Thursday nights- random, but its the only really good night for us. He texted me that he had a surpise for me- do you want to know what the surpise was?

He took us to get pedicures- yes, you read that correctly. We both got pedicures. Well- he didn't get any color. I think he enjoyed it- to quote him, "This is the best my toes have looked in 29 years." (I took this picture in my office-- please note the drawers and my chubby feet!)

Then we went to get these awesome cookies-- and he got the flower cookies. I was teasing him about getting the flower cookes and he said, "Well, they have the most frosting." He's a smart cookie.

We saw Toy Story 3 in 3D. It was a great movie. It made me want to pull out my toys from my childhood. Barbie was hilarious.

Sorry that was a detailed account of my date. I hope you feel like you were right there with me.


Mont said...

Flower cookies...pedicures...good thing you have such reliable gaydar, because...

Serendipity said...

I need a pedi...AND a flower cookie!

...except that the word verification is maybe I should pass on the cookie!